To argue is to know
Debating has been recognized as powerful pedagogy since Plato was engaging his students in arguments at the Academy over 2000 years ago. Beyond developing essential critical thinking and communication skills, arguing about course content engages students, enlivens classrooms and results in deep comprehension of subject matter.
Debate-centered instruction, or DCI, is a pedagogy appropriate for any classroom. Quite literally, any controversial topic in any subject can be fashioned into a debate to replace essays, presentations or projects. DCI is appropriate for any classroom, inclucing both traditional subjects like English Language Arts and Social Studies as well as Math and Science. Argutopia makes it easy.
We recommend the resources below to learn more about DCI.
Debate-centered instruction projects
The following projects provide excellent examples and resources for introducing DCI to your classroom.
Cambridge University's center for argumentation pedagogy
Robert Litan's site for debate-centered instruction resources
Home of the Florida Civics and Debate Initaitive
Argument Centered Education promotes argumentative classrooms
The BDL offers effective methods for debate-inspired classrooms
The UK's center for oracy education, including an oracy charter school